20VC: USV's Albert Wenger on What Elon Musk Should Do with Twitter | The State of Crypto Today; The Impact of SBF and Why Now is the Best Time To Invest in Crypto | Are We Too Late to Save The Climate and Why Civil Disobedience is Required | Will TikTok be Banned & Why?


Jan 22, 2023

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Albert Wenger is a managing partner at Union Square Ventures, one of the most successful venture firms of the last decade with a portfolio including Coinbase, Twitter, Twilio, Etsy, and many more. Before joining USV, Albert was the president of del.icio.us through the company’s sale to Yahoo and an angel investor (Etsy, Tumblr). He previously founded or co-founded several companies, including a management consulting firm and an early-hosted data analytics company.

In Today’s Episode with Albert Wenger We Discuss:

1.) From Failed Startup Founder to Leading VC:

  • How Albert transitioned from being a failed entrepreneur to being one of the most respected venture investors with USV today?

  • What were the clear signs for Albert that he was not a good entrepreneur?

  • Why does Albert believe this downturn is different compared to the dot-com bubble? Why was there more hope and promise coming out of the dot-com bubble?

2.) Income Inequality, The Rise of Depression & The Role of Politics:

  • Why is income and wealth inequality more concerning than ever? Why does Albert believe universal basic income is the right solution?

  • Why is mental health worse than ever? What can be done to improve this?

  • Why are our politicians failing us? What should our politicians be doing?

  • How does the rise of Trump show us what society is looking for in politicians?

3.) Climate Change: Misnomers, Developing Countries, Civil Disobedience:

  • What are the single biggest misnomers people have when it comes to climate change?

  • How can we shift spending on climate change solutions from 5% of GDP to 50%? Is that possible?

  • Why do developing nations have an advantage when implementing climate change solutions over more developed economies?

  • Why is civil disobedience the right course of action to ensure society is on a path to change our approach to climate change?

4.) Crypto and Central Banks: The Future of Finance:

  • Why does Albert believe that over the past few years, for many, crypto was a good hedge against inflation?

  • How damaging does Albert believe SBF and FTX will be to crypto in the long term?

  • How does Albert evaluate the potential for governments to create a “central bank digital currency”?

  • What would Albert like to see in a potential currency like this? How could stable coins be the solution to this? What is Albert fearful of with central bank digital currencies?

  • Why does Albert believe now is the best time to be investing in crypto?

5.) The Future of Social Media: Twitter & TikTok:

  • What does Albert believe is wrong with Twitter today? Why was the blue check mark such a mess?

  • What does Albert believe Elon should do with Twitter from this point on? How should Elon deal with the debt providers he has?

  • What happens to Twitter moving forward? Why is it so hard to kill?

  • What is the future of TikTok? Will it be banned in the US?

  • How concerned should the consumer be concerning their data being shared with the Chinese Government?

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